~ Olivia :: 9 months ~

Sweet Olivia is 9 months old! She’s just the cutest thing!
We decided that her 9 months photos needed some of her favorite blankies and stuffies and jammies!

Olivia Lovato 9mo 1.jpg
Olivia Lovato 9mo 2.jpg
Olivia Lovato 9mo 3.jpg

She is such a sweet little poser! She is hot stuff now that she can stand and loves to dance to Baby Shark (Mom would like to thank Daddy for that one! haha!) She even had some chatters for us to hear. I think she will be running and singing full songs the next time I see her!

I love watching these babies grow up from the teeny newborns to 1 year olds! Its always at 9 months that I realize just HOW much they’ve grown!


~ The Cronin Family ~


HI, I'm Tracy!